How Do You Know If Your Skylight is Leaking?

Skylight is an excellent source of natural light to our home, however, they are also known as one of the most troublesome roofing details. Sometimes they leak when they are not properly installed, or their flashing is damaged. Such case water can get underneath the roofing, leak out around the skylights and cause serious damage…

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Hidden Water Leak in Ceiling

🔍Leaking problem found in the area of air-con register in new constructionHow can it be identified by the naked eye? new house may look flawless, but this is because no one else has ever lived in it to see if there are any problems. Numerous issues are being discovered at almost every new-construction inspections we…

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Is It Time to Replace the Window?

Replacing windows is a common home improvement project and we are often asked if there are any signals showing the windows need to be replaced. There are some signs, 1. Jamming Windows Window should not be challenging to operate unless it is damaged or not properly installed. A window that is difficult to open, close or lock…

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5 Home Care Tips for the Fall

Autumn is the season that lets you enjoy the beauty of nature in all-new hues. It is the rainiest months in Vancouver, and a good time for some of your home repair projects. Check out these 5 easy steps to keep your home safe and dry! 1. Clear the Gutters After most of the leaves have fallen, clean out the gutters and downspouts to remove any leaves or…

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